Advancing HAE research, supporting today's patients, and ensuring a brighter tomorrow for future HAE generations

The US HAEA is a 8,000+ member strong organization that is more committed than ever to our enduring fundamental principle - helping everyone with HAE lead a happy, healthy, and fulfilling life. We have made great strides in the past decade, as evidenced by FDA approval and commercial availability of eight HAE therapies. Our success as an organization is a direct reflection of our community's commitment to improving quality of life. While we are proud to have evolved into one of the world's most prominent rare disease patient advocacy organization, vitally important work remains, such as:

  • Increasing patient and physician education to raise HAE awareness that enables early and accurate diagnosis
  • Fiercely defending access to and reimbursement for HAE medicines
  • Developing HAE education, awareness, and empowerment programs that enable our community to advocate for themselves and their affected family members
  • Championing groundbreaking research for developing new and improved HAE medicines

Together, we will continue working tirelessly for the day when everyone in our community is completely free of HAE symptoms.

Our body of work reflects our longstanding and consistent work to unite and support the
HAE community.

Read more about our impact in our latest Annual Report

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