
Experience shows that successful fundraising happens locally, which means that it is you and your network of friends and family that make the most meaningful contributions to the HAE cause. Whether you choose to host an HAE event, plan group fundraising, or join our volunteer efforts, you can make a lasting, positive impact on our community. And you can have a lot of fun doing it!

Help raise funds for the US HAEA services and programs, including the Pam King HAEA Scholarship Program, the Chris Whalen HAEA Compassion Fund, and HAE Research. Your participation in our fundraising program takes the HAEA community one step closer to a future with no swelling symptoms and a life without boundaries.


You can change lives by hosting an inspiring and uplifting fundraising event! We have a long list of event ideas and one of them will suit your interests.

All funds raised through local events support three main programs that help people affected by HAE:
Pam King HAEA
Scholarship Program
Provides financial support for HAE patients who are entering or attending college and seeking to improve their lives through academic achievement
Chris Whalen HAEA
Compassion Fund
Offers financial assistance for patients in need who must travel to see an HAE medical specialist
HAE Research
Supports expert researchers in their efforts to solve the remaining scientific mysteries of HAE through the US HAEA Angioedema Center at UCSD


We need you! People affected by HAE have the passion and motivation to plan and launch a successful fundraising initiative.

Create A Fundraising Web Page

The best fundraising campaigns start by creating a web page where friends and family can easily and securely contribute to your cause. We will be your partner throughout, and will provide you with the tools for success as you begin your fundraising initiative.

Create a Fundraising
Web Page Here

Ask For Contributions

One of the most effective ways to fundraise is to ask family, friends, and co-workers to contribute. Following the steps below can help you maximize the contributions you can get from people in your community.
  • Make it Personal: Tell your potential donors why you are getting involved and share your story about how Hereditary Angioedema has affected you. Remember, your family and friends are interested in the cause, but they are primarily interested in you and your story. Be sure to personalize your fundraising page by uploading a profile photo and sharing your personal photos and videos.
  • Make a List: Make a list of people you are going to ask for donations, along with how much you would like to ask them for, and how you plan to approach them. For example, if you set a goal of $1,500, are you going to ask 15 people for $100 dollars? Do you plan to email your friends and then follow up with a phone call? If you’re planning to ask someone for a large donation, an in-person ask may be most effective. Having a plan on how to accomplish your fundraising goals can help you stay on track.
  • Set a Goal and Deadline: Goals lead to results. When your supporters clearly see what you are striving for, they will be motivated to help you get there. Always make sure to give donors a deadline too. They will be motivated to act quickly if they must. Follow up with your friends who are slower to respond. Many people may want to donate but just forget because they are busy.
  • Lead by Example: Start by donating to your own personal page. No amount is too small! Other people are more likely to donate to your page when they see that someone has already contributed. Donating some of your own money also shows potential supporters that you are serious about funding HAE research for a cure.
  • Spread the Word: Getting your closest friends and family to donate to your page early on will help you build up some momentum. Social media is also a great tool to update friends and family on your progress and reminds them to help fund research with their contribution. Before you know it, you will be well on your way to reaching your fundraising goals.
  • Thank your Donors: Make sure you take time to thank each donor. Write a handwritten letter, send an email, or make a personal phone call. It also helps to thank your donors publicly by tagging them on social media, which further encourages others to donate as well. Thank you’s go a long way!

Organize An Event

Are you ready to host a local event, bring awareness to your community, and raise funds for truly meaningful causes? While you are welcome to use your own creativity to come up with an event, below are some proven ideas to help get you started. HAEA Community Engagement Manager, Mike Mallory ( will be happy to help you plan your event, and make sure it appears on the HAEA website.
Host a Cookies4HAE
Bake Sale
Host a Dine to Donate
Additional Thought Starters for Local Events
Sports Events
Golf / Glow Golf / Miniature Golf Tournament

Giving Campaign
Employer Matching
Power Walk/Walk-a-thon at Work
Host a Dine to Donate Event

Jeans Day for HAEA
Color Run
Kite Building Contest
To have your event added to our Events calendar, please: Register Your Event with the HAEA

Amplify Your Impact With Sponsorships

Consider Requesting a Local Sponsorship. Local businesses across the country join the HAEA’s mission each year through event sponsorships and donations. By sponsoring your event, a local business in your area may be able to:

  • Reach potential clients in a deep and meaningful way
  • Demonstrate their commitment to giving back to their community
  • Support the creation of new services for people affected by HAE and their families

To learn how to cultivate sponsorship opportunities with local businesses and discuss HAEA guidelines for sponsorships, please contact Ianice Viel at