Severe HAE attacks may be life-threatening or excruciatingly painful and require immediate medical attention at an emergency room (ER). It is important that ER staff and first responders understand how a swelling attack can progress, options for immediate intervention, and medicines that quickly, safely, and effectively treat the symptoms.

You can help ensure that critical, potentially life-saving information on this rare condition reaches your emergency care team by providing your local emergency room with an HAEA ER Toolkit.
The HAEA ER Toolkit is an educational resource for medical professionals.

Order an HAEA ER Toolkit today!

An ER Toolkit can help ensure critical HAE information is readily available when it’s most needed.

ER Toolkits are free of charge, however, please consider making a donation. Your optional gift has a significant and immediate impact on our ability to continue our mission.


If you are a physician treating a patient with HAE and are interested in joining our physician database, please click here.

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